The Synergy of Engineers and Foremen: Building Success in Construction
The most important relationship in construction is how the engineers and the field staff collaborate. This blog explores this important relationship.
Common Biases in Decision Making: Understanding and Mitigating Cognitive Pitfalls
As Engineers, we pride ourselves on using data to making logical and rational decisions. However, it must be noted, that Engineers are indeed human, and humans are subject to a series of cognitive biases that greatly impact our decision making.
The Big Five Personality Test and Construction
The Big Five Personality Test.
How these personality measures impacts our ability to lead, particularly in the unique environment of construction.
Mobilising before Signing - What are the Legal Implications?
When you need the subbie to mobilise but the contract isn't executed. What does it really matter? What are the actual risks?
With input from Partner of McCullough Robertson Lawyers, Alan Wrigley, this article looks at the legal implications and risk of mobilising a subbie without a sign contract.
How to Work Towards a Promotion: Asking in Advance
How to advance your career by treating your manager as a partner not a gatekeeper. Help them to help you.
Intrapreneurship & Innovation in Construction: How to Foster & Control
Why innovation is vital to the longevity of a construction business and how to structure your organisation to foster innovation.
Why Women will make Construction Companies more $$ in the Long Run
Why hiring more females in construction in the short term will help your profitability in the long term. what do the trends teach us?
Leadership with Wally Lewis: Insights from a Rugby League Legend
The leadership insights I garnered from a conversation with the great Wally Lewis. Insights that apply far beyond the football field, and into the corporate world and anywhere with teamwork and leadership. There is allot we can learn from the man who has achieved and lead at the highest level.
Decision Making in Construction: Individual vs Group
Captain’s Calls vs Team Consensus - What decision-making process works best in construction? Is there only one answer? As leaders and managers, what should we watch out for?
Why Diversity Will Help Construction Companies Remain Competitive and How Construction Professionals Can Manage Diversity Better
Cultural Diversity Psychological Research and its application in Construction. How can the research help companies and individuals to “win” the global war for talent by enhancing cultural integration of migrant workers.
Align your Internal Strategy to your External Strategy
This blog looks into the importance of an internal strategy to match your external strategy. What your company CAN do (internal) must match what your company WANTS to do (external).
Five Dysfunctions of a Team – Must Read for Every Construction Team
Patrick Lencioni’s Book is a MUST READ for all in construction and project management. This blog gives a brief breakdown of the book’s findings
How to Write an NCR
A thorough and strategic advice on drafting the perfect NCRs that for Engineers.